1. Chen SH, Lo O-Y, Kay T, Chou LS. Concurrent Phone Texting Alters Crossing Behavior and Induces Gait Imbalance During Obstacle Crossing. Gait and Posture. 2018;62:422-425.
2. Fino PC, Parrington L, Pitt W, Martini DN, Chesnutt JC, Chou LS, King LA. Detecting Gait Abnormalities After Concussion of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review of Single-Task, Dual-Task, and Complex Gait. Gait and Posture. 2018;62:157-166.
3. Hanningan J, Osternig LR, Chou LS. Sex-Specific Relationship Between Hip Strength and Hip, Pelvis, and Trunk Kinematics in Healthy Runners. J Appl Biomech. 2018;34:76-81.
1. Howell DR, Osternig LR, Chou LS. Single-task and dual-task tandem gait test performance after concussion. Journal of science and medicine in sport. 2017; 20 (7), 622-626
2.Catena RD, Chen SH, Chou LS. Does the anthropometric model influence whole-body center of mass calculations in gait?Journal of biomechanics. 2017; 59, 23-28
3. Chen T, Chou LS. Effects of muscle strength and balance control on sit-to-walk and turn durations in the timed up and go test. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2017; 98 (12), 2471-2476
4. Becker J, James S, Wayner R, Osternig L, Chou LS. Biomechanical Factors Associated With Achilles Tendinopathy and Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome in Runners. The American journal of sports medicine. 2017; 45 (11), 2614-2621
5. Breloff SP, Chou LS. Three-dimensional multi-segmented spine joint reaction forces during common workplace physical demands/activities of daily living. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications. 2017; 29 (04), 1750025
6. Breloff SP, Chou LS. Multi-segmented trunk motion of healthy non-elderly adults in different decades of life. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications. 2017; 29 (04), 1750028
1. Fujimoto, M. and Chou, L-S.: Sagittal plane momentum control during walking in elderly fallers. Gait and Posture. 2016;45:121-126.
2. Howell DR, Osternig LR, Chou L. Consistency and cost of dual-task gait balance measure in healthy adolescents and young adults. Gait and Posture. 2016;49:176-80.
1. Lo, O-Y and Chou, L-S: Effects of different visual attention tasks on obstacle crossing in healthy young adults. Accepted to Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis, and Communications.
2. Breloff, S. and Chou, L-S.: Influence of various daily tasks on segmented trunk kinematics. Accepted to Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis, and Communications.
3. Howell D, Osternig LR, Christie A and Chou L-S: Return to physical activity timing and dual-task gait stability are associated two months following concussion. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2015;47(4):673-80.
4. Lugade, V, Chen, T, Erickson, C, Fujimoto, M, San Juan, J, Karduna, A, Chou, L-S: Comparison of an electromagnetic and optical system during dynamic motion. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis, and Communications 27:05 (DOI: 10.4015/S1016237215500416).
5. Breloff, S. and Chou, L-S.: Quantification of multi-segmental spine movement during gait. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 18 (2): 1550009-1 – 11, 2015.
6. Lo, O-Y, van Donkelaar, P., and Chou, L-S: Distracting visuospatial attention while approaching an obstacle reduces the toe-obstacle clearance.
Experimental Brain Research 233: 1137-114 (doi: 10.1007/s00221-014-4189-1),
7. Howell, D, Osternig, LR, and Chou, L-S: Monitoring recovery of gait balance control following concussion using an accelerometer. Journal of Biomechanics 48:3364-68, 2015.
8. Xu, X, McGorry, R, Chou, L-S, Lin, J-H, and Chang, C-C: Accuracy of the Microsoft KinectTM for measuring gait parameters during treadmill walking. Gait and Posture 42 145-151, 2015.
9. Howell, D, Osternig, LR, and Chou, L-S: Return to activity after concussion affects dual-task gait balance control recovery. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 47 (4) 673-680, 2015.
10. Howell, D, Osternig, LR, and Chou, L-S: Adolescents demonstrate greater gait balance control deficits after concussion than young adults. The American Journal of Sports Medicine 43 (3): 625-32, 2015.
11. Chen, H-L, Lu, T-W, and Chou, L-S.: Variability of inter-joint coordination increases during divided-attention gait following concussion. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 35 (1): 28-33, 2015.
1. Chiu, S-L, Chang, C-C, and Chou, L-S: Inter-joint coordination of overground versus treadmill walking in young adults. Gait and Posture 41: 316-318, 2014.
2. Becker, J., Pisciotta, E., James, S., Osternig, LR, and Chou, L-S.: Center of pressure trajectory differences between shod and barefoot running. Gait and Posture 40, 504-509, 2014.
3. Lugade, V, Farley, A., Lin, V. and Chou, L-S.: An artificial neural network estimation of gait balance control in the elderly using clinical evaluations. PLOS ONE 9 (5): e97595, May 2014.
4. Miller, N, Yasen, A, Maynard, L, Howell, DR, Chou, L-S, and Christie, A.: Acute and longitudinal changes in motor cortex function following mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 28: 1270-1276, 2014.
5. Howell, DR, Osternig, LR, Koester, M, and Chou, L-S: The effect of cognitive task complexity on gait stability in adolescents following concussion. Experimental Brain Research 232 (6), 1773-82, 2014.
6. Mayr, U, LaRoux, C, Rolheiser, T, Osternig, L, Chou, L-S, and Van
Donkelaar, P: Executive dysfunction assessed with a task-switching task following concussion. PLOS ONE 9 (3):e91379, March 2014.
7. Li, F., Harmer, P., Liu, Y., Chou, L-S: Tai Ji Quan and global cognitive function in older adults with cognitive impairment: a pilot study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 58 (3): 434-9, 2014.
8. Fujimoto, M. and Chou, L-S.: Region of stability derived by center of mass acceleration better identifies individuals with difficulty in sit-to-stand movement. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 42: 733-741, 2014.
1. Li, F., Harmer, P., Liu, Y., Eckstrom, E., Fitzgerald, K., Stock, R., Chou, L-S.: A randomized controlled trial of patient-reported outcomes with Tai Chi exercise in Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders 29 (4): 539-545, 2014.
2. Li, F., Harmer, P., Stock, R., Fitzgerald, K., Stevens, J., Gladieux, M., Chou, L-S., Carp, K., Voit, J.: Implementing an evidence-based fall prevention program in an outpatient clinical setting. Journal of American Geriatrics Society 61 (12): 2142-9, 2013.
3. Chen, T and Chou, L-S.: Altered center of mass control during sit-to-walk in elderly adults with and without history of falling. Gait and Posture 38: 696-701, 2013.
4. Chiu, S-L, Osternig, LR, and Chou, L-S.: Concussion induces gait inter-joint coordination variability under conditions of divided attention and obstacle crossing. Gait and Posture 38: 717-722, 2013.
5. Fujimoto, M., Hsu, W-L., Woollacott, M., and Chou, L-S.: Weakness in ankle dorsiflexors reduces the ability to restore balance during a stance perturbation in the elderly. Gait and Posture 38: 812-817, 2013.
6. Chen, T, Chang, C-C., and Chou, L-S: Sagittal plane movement strategy and joint kinetics during sit-to-walk in the balance impaired elderly fallers. Clinical Biomechanics 28: 807-812, 2013.
7. Howell, D., Osternig, LR., and Chou, L-S.: Dual-task effect on gait balance control in concussed adolescents. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 94: 1513-20, 2013.
8. Chiu, S-L. and Chou, L-S.: Variability in inter-joint coordination during walking of elderly adults and its association with clinical balance measures. Clinical Biomechanics 28: 454-458, 2013.
9. Howell, D., Osternig, LR, van Donkelaar, P, and Chou, L-S: Effects of concussion on attention and executive function in adolescents. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 45: 1030-1037, 2013.
10. Zhang, X., Fan G., and Chou, L-S: Two-layer dual gait generative models for human motion estimation from a single camera. Image and Vision Computing 31: 473-486. 2013.
11. Hsu, W-L., Chou, L-S., and Woollacott, M.: Age-related changes in joint coordination during balance recovery. Age 35: 1299-1309, 2013.
1. Spaulding, SE, Chen, T., and Chou, L-S: Selection of an above- or below-ankle orthosis for individuals with neuropathic partial foot amputation: a pilot study. Prosthetics & Orthotics International 36 (2): 61- 68 2012.
2. Boonyong, S., Siu, K-C, van Donkelaar, P., Chou, L-S., and Woollacott, M.: Development of postural control during gait in typically developing children: the effects of dual task conditions. Gait and Posture 35: 428-434, 2012.
3. Fujimoto, M and Chou, L-S.: Dynamic balance control during sit-to-stand movement: an examination with the center of mass acceleration. Journal of Biomechanics 45: 543-548, 2012.
34. Chiu, S-L and Chou, L-S.: Effect of walking speed on inter-joint coordination differs between young and elderly adults. Journal of Biomechanics 45: 275-280, 2012.
1. Lugade, V., Lin, V. and Chou, L-S: Center of mass and base of support interaction during gait. Gait and Posture 33: 406-411, 2011.
2. Chen, S-J, Mukherjee, M, and Chou, L-S: Soft tissue movement at the foot during stance phase of walking. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 101: 25-34, 2011.
3. Catena, R.D., van Donkelaar, P., and Chou, L-S.: The effects of attention capacity on dynamic balance control following concussion. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 8:8, 2011.
1. Klausmeier, V.M., Vipul, L., Jewett, B., and Collis, D., Chou, L-S: Is there faster recovery with an anterior or anterolateral THA? A pilot study. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 468: 533-541, 2010.
2. Chen, C-J and Chou, L-S.: Center of mass position relative to the ankle during walking: a clinically feasible detection method for gait imbalance. Gait and Posture 31: 391-393, 2010.
3. Lugade, V., Wu, A., Jewett, BA., Collis, DK, and Chou, L-S.: Gait asymmetry following an anterior and anterolateral approach to total hip replacement. Clinical Biomechanics 25: 675-680, 2010.
4. Chiu, S-L, Lu, T-W, and Chou, L-S: Altered inter-joint coordination during walking in patients with total hip arthroplasty. Gait and Posture 32: 656-660, 2010.
1. Silsupadol, P., Lugade, V., Shumway-Cook, A., van Donkelaar, P., Chou, L-S., Mayr, U., Woollacott, MH: Effects of single- vs. dual-task training on balance performance in older adults: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 90: 381-387, 2009.
2. Catena, R.D., van Donkelaar, P., Halterman, C.I., and Chou, L-S.: Spatial orientation of attention and obstacle avoidance following concussion. Experimental Brain Research 194: 67-77, 2009.
3. Silsupadol, P., Lugade, V., Shumway-Cook, A., van Donkelaar, P., Chou, L-S., Mayr, U., Woollacott, MH: Training-related Changes in Dual-task Walking Performance of Elderly Persons with Balance Impairment: A Double-blind, Randomized Controlled Trial. Gait and Posture 29: 634-639, 2009.
4. Siu KC, Chou, L-S, Mayr U, van Donkelaar P, Woollacott MH: Attentional mechanisms contributing to balance constraints during gait: the effects of balance impairments. Brain Research 1248:59-67, 2009.
5. Catena, R.D., van Donkelaar, P., and Chou, L-S.: Different gait paradigms distinguish immediate vs. long-term effects of concussion. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 6:25, 2009.
6. Mandeville, D., Osternig, L.R., Lantz, B.A., Mohler, C.G. and Chou, L-S.: A multivariate statistical ranking of clinical and gait measures before and after total knee replacement. Gait and Posture 30: 197-200, 2009.
7. Mandeville, D., Osternig, and Chou, L-S.: The association between knee flexion, vertical center of mass excursion and lower extremity muscle work for end-stage knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 12 (2):77-84, 2009.
1. Mandeville, D., Osternig, L.R., Chou, L-S.: The effect of total knee replacement surgery on gait stability. Gait and Posture 27: 103-109, 2008.
2. Siu, K-C, Catena, R.D., Chou, L-S, van Donlelaar, P., Woollacott, M.H.: Effects of secondary task on obstacle avoidance in healthy young adults. Experimental Brain Research 184(1): 115-20, 2008.
3. Mandeville, D., Osternig, L.R., Chou, L-S.: The effect of total knee replacement on knee varus angle and moment during walking and stair ascent. Clinical Biomechanics 23: 1053-1058, 2008.
4. Parker, T.M., Osternig, L.R., van Donkelaar, P., and Chou, L-S.: Gait stability in athletes and non-athletes following concussion. Medical Engineering & Physics 30: 959-967, 2008.
5. Siu, K-C, Lugade, V., Chou, L-S, van Donlelaar, P., Woollacott, M.H.: Dual-task interference during obstacle clearance in healthy and balance-impaired older adults. Journal of Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 20(4):349-54, 2008.
6. Huang, S-C, Lu, T-W, Chen, H-L, Wang, T-M, and Chou, L-S.: Age and height effects on center of mass and center of pressure inclination angles during obstacle-crossing. Medical Engineering & Physics 30: 968-975, 2008.
7. Lugade, V., Klausmeier, V., Jewett, B., Collis, D. and Chou, L-S: Short-term recovery of balance control after total hip arthroplasty. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 466: 3051-3058, 2008.
8. Siu KC, Chou, L-S, Mayr U, van Donkelaar P, Woollacott MH: Does inability to allocate attention contribute to balance constraints during gait in older adults? Journals of Gerontology: Medical Science 63A (12), 1364-1369, 2008.
1. DeHaan, A., Halterman, C., Langan, J.; Drew, A.S., Osternig, L.R., Chou, L-S., van Donkelaar, P.: Cancelling planned actions following mild traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychologia (45): 406-411, 2007.
2. Catena, R.D., van Donkelaar, P. and Chou, L-S: Cognitive task effects on gait stability following concussion. Experimental Brain Research 176: 23-31. 2007.
3. Catena, R.D., van Donkelaar, P., Chou, L-S: Altered balance control following concussion is better detected with an attention test during gait. Gait and Posture 25 (3): 406-411, 2007.
4. Mandeville, D., Osternig, L.R., Chou, L-S.: The effect of total knee replacement on dynamic support of the body during walking and stair ascent. Clinical Biomechanics 22: 787-794, 2007.
5. Lee, H-J and Chou, L-S.: Balance control during stair negotiation in older adults. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 2530-2536, 2007.
6. Cherng, R-J, Chou, L-S, Su, F-C, Shaughnessy, W.J., Kaufman, K.R.: Using motion of whole-body center of mass to assess the balance during gait of children with spastic cerebral palsy. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 27 (3): 150-155, 2007.
7. Drew, A., Langan, J., Halterman, C., Osternig, L.R., Chou, L-S., van Donkelaar, P.: Attentional disengagement dysfunction following mTBI assessed with the gap saccade task. Neuroscience Letters 417(1): 61-65, 2007.
8. Parker, T.M., Osternig, L.R., van Donkelaar, P., and Chou, L-S.: Recovery of cognitive and dynamic motor function following concussion. British Journal of Sports Medicine 41: 868-873, 2007.
1. Kaufman, K.R., Brey, R.H., Chou, L-S., Rabatin, A., Brown, A.W., Basford, J.R.: Comparison of subjective and objective measurements of balance disorders following traumatic brain injury. Medical Engineering and Physics 28 (3): 234-239, 2006.
2. Halterman, C.I., Langan, J., Rodriguez, E., Osternig, LR., Chou, L-S., and van Donkelaar, P.: Tracking the recovery of visuospatial attention deficits in mild traumatic brain injury. Brain 129: 747-753, 2006.
3. Lee, H-J. and Chou, L-S.: Detection of gait instability using the
center of mass and center of pressure inclination angles. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87: 569-575, 2006.
4. van Donkelaar, P., Osternig, LR, and Chou, L-S.: Attentional and biomechanical deficits interact after mild traumatic brain injury. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 34 (2):77-82, 2006.
5. Parker, T.M., Osternig, L.R., van Donkelaar, P., and Chou, L-S.: Gait stability following concussion. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 38 (6): 1032-1040, 2006.
6. McIntire, A., Langan, J., Halterman, C., Drew, A., Osternig, LR, Chou, L-S., and van Donkelaar, P.: The influence of mild traumatic brain injury on the temporal distribution of attention. Experimental Brain Research 174: 361-366, 2006.
2005 and earlier
1. Hahn, M.E., Farley, A.M., Lin, V., and Chou, L-S.: Neural network estimation of balance control during locomotion. Journal of Biomechanics 38: 717-724, 2005.
2. Parker, T.M., Osternig, L.R., Lee, H-J., van Donkelaar, P., Chou, L-S.: The effect of divided attention on gait stability following concussion. Clinical Biomechanics 20/4: 389-395, 2005.
3. Hahn, M.E. and Chou, L-S.: A model for detecting balance impairment and estimating risk of falls in the elderly. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 33 (6): 811-820, 2005.
4. van Donkelaar, P., Langan, J., Rodriguez, E., Drew, A., Halterman, C., Osternig, L.R. and Chou, L-S.: Attentional deficits in concussion. Brain Injury 19 (12): 1031-1039, 2005.
5. Hahn, M.E., Lee, H-J, and Chou, L-S.: Increased muscular challenge in older adults during obstructed gait. Gait and Posture 22 (4): 356-361, 2005.
6. Hahn, M.E. and Chou, L-S.: Age-related reduction in sagittal plane center of mass motion during obstacle crossing. Journal of Biomechanics 37: 837-844, 2004.
7. Chou, L-S., Kaufman, K.R., Walker, A.E., Brey, R.H., and Basford, J.R.: Dynamic instability during obstructed gait following traumatic brain injury. Gait and Posture 20/3: 245-254, 2004.
8. Basford, J.R., Chou, L-S., Kaufman, K.R., Brey, R.H., Malec, J.F., Moessner, A.M., Walker, A., and Brown, A.: An assessment of gait and balance instability following traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 84:343-349, 2003.
9. Hahn, M.E. and Chou, L-S.: Can motion of individual body segments identify dynamic instability in the elderly? Clinical Biomechanics 18: 737-744, 2003.
10. Chou, L-S., Hahn, M.E., Brey, R.H., and Kaufman, K.R.: Medio-lateral motion of the center of mass during obstacle crossing distinguishes elderly individuals with imbalance. Gait and Posture 18/3: 125-133, 2003.
11. Chou, L-S., Kaufman, K.R., Brey, R.H., and Draganich, L.F.: Motion of the whole body’s center of mass when stepping over obstacles of different heights. Gait and Posture 13: 17-26, 2001.
12. Osborne, M.D., Chou, L-S., Laskowski, E.R., Smith, J., and Kaufman, K.R.: The effect of ankle disk training on muscle reaction time in subjects with previous history of ankle sprain. American Journal of Sports Medicine 29: 627-632, 2001.
13. Draganich, L.F., Whitehurst, J.B., Chou, L-S., Piotrowski, G., Pottenger, L.A., and Finn, H.A.: The effects of the rotating-hinge total knee replacement on gait and stair stepping. The Journal of Arthroplasty 14: 743-755, 1999.
14. Chou, L-S. and Draganich, L.F.: Placing the trailing foot closer to an obstacle reduces flexion of the hip, knee, and ankle to increase the risk of tripping. Journal of Biomechanics 31: 685-691, 1998.
15. Chou, L-S. and Draganich, L.F.: Increasing obstacle height and decreasing toe-obstacle distance affect the joint moments of the stance limb differently when stepping over an obstacle. Gait & Posture 8: 186-204, 1998.
16. Chou, L-S., Draganich, L.F., and Song, S.M.: Minimum energy trajectories of the swing ankle when stepping over obstacles of different heights. Journal of Biomechanics 30: 115-120, 1997.
17. Chou, L-S. and Draganich, L.F.: Stepping over an obstacle increases the motions and moments of the joints of the trailing limb in young adults. Journal of Biomechanics 30: 331-337, 1997.
18. Chou, L-S., Song, S.M., and Draganich, L.F.: Predicting the kinematics and kinetics of gait based on the optimum trajectory of the swing limb. Journal of Biomechanics 28: 377-385, 1995.
19. Chou, L-S. and Song, S.M.: Geometric work of manipulators and path planning based on minimum energy consumption. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 114: 414-421, 1992.
Letters to the Editor or Invited Commentaries
Spaulding, S.E., Chen, T. and Chou, L-S: Response: Letter to the Editor. DOI: 10.1177/0309364614527542; Prosthetics & Orthotics International 2014.
Book Chapters
Hahn, ME., Farley, A., and Chou, L-S: Neural Network Models for Estimation of Balance Control, Detection of Imbalance, and Estimation of Falls Risk. Computational Intelligence for Movement Sciences: Neural Networks and Other Emerging Techniques, Editors: Rezaul Begg and Marimuthu Palaniswami, Idea Group, Inc., Hershey, PA. 2006.
Van Donkelaar, P., Osternig, LR, and Chou, L-S: Concussion. Encyclopedia of Exercise in Health and Disease, pp. 200-2003, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.